More useful than this, however, is that every single Pokemon in Pokemon Sun & Moon's Pokedex - both regional and national - has its own unique QR code. Even if the QR data is nothing to do with Pokemon Ultra Sun & Moon the game will crunch some numbers and give you something in exchange for scanning it. The truth is, you can scan just about any QR code and the game will read it and do some math in order to figure out what Pokemon to attach to that QR code. The QR Scanner allows you to use the Nintendo 3DS cameras to scan QR codes out in the real world. Once you're a little way into the game you'll unlock this feature - it'll pop up as a new icon in your Pokedex. That feature makes a return in Pokemon Ultra Sun and Pokemon Ultra Moon, though as in the original game you'll have to unlock the QR code scanning functionality first. One major new feature of Pokemon Sun & Moon that proved extremely popular was the ability to scan QR codes and have that pop out little rewards in the world, or have it fill in your Pokedex.
Ultra Beast Location: Poni Island, Resolution Cave – Stay on the lower level of Resolution Cave to battle Guzzlord in a random encounter.Gotta scan 'em all, right?. He has a new partner, Nanu, which you’ll have to duel to take on this final Ultra Beast quest. Looker Location: Poni Island, Seafolk Village – This time, the Looker appears in the restaurant in Seafolk Village. UB-04: Celesteela (Steel / Flying Type). Ultra Beast Location: Ula’ula Island, Route 17 – All four of the same Ultra Beast will appear in random encounters while running around this route. Like the last quest, you’ll need to capture multiples - this time there are four. Looker Location: Ula’ula Island, Route 13 – Find the Looker and his partner at the hotel on this route. Ultra Beast Location: Akala Island, Memorial Hill – A second Xurkitree will appear at Memorial Hill. Ultra Beast Location: Akala Island, Lush Jungle – The first Xurkitree is available at Lush Jungle. For this quest, you’ll need to find and capture two Xurkitrees. Looker Location: Akala Island, Route 8 – Return to the motel on Akala Island to talk to the Looker once again to start the Xurkitree quest. UB-02: Pheromosa (Bug / Fighting Type). Ultra Beast Location: Melemele Island, Melemele Meadow – Another random encounter while exploring the Melemele Meadow, only after accepting the quest from the Looker on Route 2. Looker Location: Melemele Island, Route 2 – After capturing Nihilego, talk to the Looker and Anabel at the Route 2 motel. UB-02: Buzzwole (Bug / Fighting Type). Ultra Beast Location: Akala Island, Diglett Tunnel – A random encounter after accepting the quest from the Looker.
Looker Location: Akala Island, Route 8 – Find the Looker at the motel to the left of the Pokemon Center.